Digital Detox Reflection

Last week, we were given a challenge to do a digital detox. To try and stay away from our Internet and digital devices for 48 hours. Did I try to do this detox? Of course, I did. Was I successful? Of course not. Between doing homework for my other classes as well as other things, it was hard to walk away for 48 hours. Let's be honest, I think the most I could walk away from was eight hours, but I was asleep during this time. So why is it so hard to do a digital detox?

I think it is hard to do a detox because everyone needs the Internet in some way. Whether it is doing homework because you are doing online classes or catching up on the news because newspaper subscriptions are too expensive these days. It is just easier and more efficient when technology and Internet is at our fingertips. 

Even though I couldn't do a total digital detox, I did learn some valuable things. I did learn that I am on my phone or other digital devices way too much during the day. When I am done with my online classes, I am usually on my computer or phone playing games or doing family history research. It has made be question if I am addicted to technology or if I just need to take a step back. It also taught me that after completing the task needed on the computer or digital device, I need to put the device down and live in the moment. I need to go talk a walk, read a book, workout, or something else instead of being consumed by technology 24/7. 

While the digital detox may not have worked last week, I do understand and see the importance of doing one. After my classes end, I hope that I can do a digital detox for a couple of weeks before fall classes and my school counseling job start back up again. 


  1. Hi Lauren,
    Like you, I tried to do the digital detox and failed to successfully do anything past a few hours. Due to other online class commitments and other personal online needs, I could not put the phone down. Another aspect of my life is sharing health and fitness content for the gym I work at so I definitely could not stop. In the beginning of the year, I did do a one week fast successfully and it felt awesome. I did realize that I am addicted to my phone and sometimes had to force myself to step away. While social media is great, I think its important that we all take a step back and try to be more aware and in the moment. I hope your detox after this course goes well.


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