Week 4 Reflection

 Before this class, I was comfortable with my social media channels like Facebook or Instagram. On these platforms, I was always the lurker. I don't like communicating with other people or groups that I do not know. At first, I didn't know what to expect with this class. However, after four weeks, I am thoroughly enjoying it. The class is teaching me a variety of technology tools that I had no idea of. This week, I learned more about Wikipedia and its sister projects, Flickr, Diigo, etc. Not only am I learning about these tools, but I am learning how these tools can be beneficial. 

These tools I can use in the classroom and in my own life when gathering news articles or photos in one place. These articles will keep track of any annotations that I may make. This could make group projects easier for students and even co-planning between teachers. 

Also, with this course, I am having to step out of my comfort zone by participating in online communities. While I would usually lurk, I am now actively posting. This was awkward at first but now becoming less so. I am excited to see what the rest of the semester will hold. 



  1. Getting out of the comfort zone (even if only temporarily) is often a good thing. That's what I did on LinkedIn, which I blogged about as well. I look forward to reading about your community experiences.


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