I don't know what I was thinking when I saw Merlot as a tool for this week's module. When I think of Merlot, I honestly think of the wine and not some learning tool. However, Dr. Dennen said on Canvas that this tool is a collection of online learning resources. I thought to myself, "Let's check it out since I love to learn." Boy, was I overwhelmed. Merlot has thousands, and I mean, thousands of resources for teachers and students to use.
Students and teachers can create filters to determine what resources they want to look at. For example, they can pick whether they want just high school resources or professional resources. You can pick math, science, social sciences, etc. However, I just started scrolling when I was exploring on the site. This site has everything from art education lesson plans for teachers to a virtual chemistry lab.
I am a really big history buff, so I did explore the Crisis at Fort Sumter material. While districts may require teachers to teach about this specific topic from the textbook, teachers and students can use Merlot has a supplementary aid to help understand and comprehend the material. This specific material that I looked at used an interactive simulation that goes over the decisions President Lincoln had to make in regard to Fort Sumter. This allows teachers to reach student's multiple intelligences rather than just implementing a lecture in class.
I was excited to learn about Merlot this week and will continue to explore this site to see if there is anything I can use that will be beneficial as a school counselor. Happy Learning!
Thanks for the reminder! I'm going to bookmark this!