Week 2 Reflection

 During this second week of class, we have talked about digital natives vs. immigrants, produsage, networked relationships, families, RSS readers, etc. Before this week, I didn't even realize what the word produsage meant. I love reading and exploring the tools each week because it allows me to make connections. 

One thing that I realized this week is that even though I am considered a digital native, not everyone is. As a school counselor, I get phone calls all the time from parents stating that they don't know how to work Google Classroom or other aspects of the technology needed to help their students with work. Some may call these parents as digital immigrants. Us, digital natives, must be patient with the digital immigrants because it may take them longer to figure out technology or social media. They may have grown up in an era where technology or social didn't exist or wasn't rapidly changing as it is today. 

This coming week marks the last week of school for my district. While I am sad that I will not see the students anymore, part of me would be lying if I didn't say that I was also happy. I'm happy for a break of the craziness. I'm ready to not talk students off ledges for a few months due to horrible social media posts. Part of me is ready to spend more time focusing on exploring more about the tools we are learning in this class. During the summer, I feel that I will have a lot more hours to explore my social media, write my blogs, etc. 

Speaking of blogs...I was nervous when I first started this class about having to write a blog three times a week. I didn't know if I could do it or if I would find anything to write about. However, I am finding it easier to find topics to write about. I can't wait to see what Week 3 holds for this class. 


  1. You made it! Another school year in the books. You need a nice, quiet break to recover from this year and get ready for the next year. As a school counselor, do you use social media to share messages with kids? I can see Instagram being a good platform for Motivational Mondays or Thoughtful Thursdays. If kids are going to be on social media anyway, it could be a good way to show them how to use it for good purposes.

    1. Our school has a Facebook page. If I need to share something, then I will tell my admin what to post. However, I love your idea of Motivational Mondays especially towards the end of the year when everyone wants to just go home and relax.


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